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Distance Education - Close Connections


Our mission is cooperation for effective delivery of interactive education and services to our members.

The NWECS distance education consortium has provided over 30 years of equal access to education for rural Wisconsin K-12 students. Course delivery technologies have changed over the years, but dedication to supporting rural school districts has not. Eighteen school districts belong to NWECS in a collective effort to teach and receive needed courses through live video conferencing and online learning.

NWECS staff collaborates directly with school district administrators, staff, and faculty to identify course needs and coordinate course offerings, registrations, and technical support. Our member high schools share courses with each other. Wisconsin Technical Colleges and UW partners provide students with dual enrollment courses. NWECS also assists in providing enrichment opportunities such as virtual field trips, guest speakers, career experts, and ACT prep classes via video conferencing.


Last year over 1,050 Wisconsin students participated in distance education courses or enrichment through NWECS and our partners within the Wisconsin Association of Distance Education Networks.

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